Build Math Thinkers!
Interactive math discovery for Pre-K through 5th grade
Hands-on math strategies and activities to increase understanding AND empower all kids to think like mathematicians.
Calling all Educators, Administrators & Parents
Ready to put the power of math in your kids’ hands so they are the ones doing the thinking & discovery that is necessary to make lifelong problem solvers?
Let’s build a math thinking community together!
Why Math Stackers?
Our fun, hands-on learning systems were designed by a Master of Mathematics Education to promote:
✔︎ Critical thinking over memorization
✔︎ Positive risk taking when solving problems
✔︎ Development of a resilient math mindset
✔︎ Calm, confident & efficient problem solvers
✔︎ Deep math reasoning that lasts a lifetime
What are educators saying?
What can you discover with Math Stackers?
Grades Pre-K through 1st
Number Recognition
1-1 Correspondence
Comparing & Ordering
Spatial Reasoning
Addition & Subtraction
Part-Part-Total Diagrams
Grades Kinder through 5th
Addition & Subtraction
Multiplication & Division
Fractions: Equivalency, Compare
Fractions: x, +, -, ÷
Proportional Reasoning
Multiples & Factors
Arrays or Partial Quotients
What makes Math Stackers unique?
NEW! Try our
Math Stackers Magnets
The perfect complement to any
Math Stackers Learning System
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Paper Math Stackers + Activities
Get and idea of the type of deep understanding you can build with Math Stackers® and what is inside our exclusive PD platform: Math Stackers®U!
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