Pattern Challenges (Pre-K through 1st grade)
What in the world is a Math Stackers Pattern Challenge?
It is an opportunity for your youngsters to observe and notice regularities, consistencies or what is being repeated. Imagine a pile of colorful blocks next to an organized pattern, laid out just for them. They look at it with curious eyes, then all of sudden…
“I see it! The pattern is going 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5! I know what goes next!”
Why are these observations and conclusions so important?
As kids develop this skill of observing their surroundings…wondering about them…noticing the consistencies, they are making decisions about rules that govern their world. These rules are then applied to ALL areas of learning! Even reading!
Did you know that one of the strongest indicators of success in reading is math understanding in early education?
And it totally makes sense! Think of all the patterns found in building language: the sounds patterns, the consistent construction of sentences, finding meaning of a word from the context of the story, making predictions. It is all there, rooted in the way our brains learn math.
Let’s start from the beginning with an example and how to structure a Math Stackers Pattern Challenge in your classroom.
What you need:
A class set of Math Stackers (Early Learning, Elementary, or Combo Set)
How to set up:
Pick a pattern that is on your kids’ level. Either start the pattern by building with Math Stackers or have a picture of a pattern of Math Stackers ready to go. (If using an image for them to observe, this allows them to have more blocks to use during the challenge.)
For this challenge, you may choose to stack the blocks in the pattern or set them side-by-side. (see image below.)
Let’s get started!
Step 1:
Your kiddos observe the pattern seen to the left and discuss what they see repeating. For this example, they would identify that the blocks 1, 2, 3 are stacked and then repeated. The next block needed in the tower is a 3! (seen to the left)
Step 2:
Time to build! Your kids stack the correct pattern as high as they can or until they run out of blocks.
Step 3:
They get to design a pattern and their partner gets to build on! This process switches and can be repeated as much as desired.
If your kiddos are ready for more of a challenge…
Try these on for size! These two options include a little bit more math thinking. Level 2 involves a patter that does not use ordered numbers and Level 3 takes it one step further by including 2 patterns. Not only are there repeated numbers, but at the same time, the blocks’ position is a pattern. It may take a while for your kiddos to notice the 2 patterns, but that is okay! Taking extra time to think about what is going on is oh-so-good for them.
What’s different in this pattern?
The repeated set of numbers are not consecutive (counting order). This will be a step up for your students as it will slow them down when continuing the pattern and allow them to think a little harder about their observations!
(Observed pattern)
(1st step of continued pattern)
(Observed pattern)
(1st step of continued pattern)
What’s different in this pattern?
Not only are there 3 numbers repeating, but there are also 2 positions repeating: stacking the blocks horizontal and vertical. Just because the 6-block was stacked horizontally the first time, does not mean it will always be stacked horizontally in this pattern. In fact, each time a 6-block is stack it will rotate between horizontal and vertical because the position of the block is an ABAB pattern and the numbers of the blocks are a ABCABC pattern. Remember, they get as much time to observe and build as they need!
Always keep in mind that this math thinking evolves over time, through consistency and multiple opportunities to explore math using objects like Math Stackers.
Now it’s your turn. Try out a Math Stackers Pattern Challenge and build math thinkers in your classroom!
Don’t have a class set of Math Stackers yet? Sign up to get a free Math Stackers Sample Pack including an investigation from one of our resources, a checklist for your small groups & our free, 2D Paper Math Stackers that you may download and print.
Want to #buildmaththinkers throughout your school? Get a quote to equip your grade level, school or district.
Happy Math Stacking!